Thursday, April 10, 2008

How many Noella's

Today, the New York Times had an article about people who google themselves and then come across people with the same name. Many times these people find a connection with their other selves.

I have done this in the past, having come across many other Noellas. At first I thought I was the only one, but I found one in California - a photographer. There is a preacher in Florida, a lady in Rhode Island - we corresponded quite often. I think she finally found herself a man as I lost contact with her.

After getting my own MySpace page, I found many other Noellas - a singer, a model, a DJ. At one time my page had 24 Noellas on it.


Imperfect Reason said...

My son is even in Wikipedia - as a source. But still.


noella said...

so funny I was just googling how many noella's there was out there and i came to your blog and saw this post! small world!
always lovely to meet another noella :)